FT-817 Power Poles go Vertical

FT-817nd rear with 3D printed power pole adaptor

A while back I found a model on Thingiverse for an Anderson Power Pole adaptor for the back of my Yaesu FT-817.

Power Poles are almost the standard in the Ham Radio world for hooking up power to radios and accessories and they're really handy.

The adaptor I made from Thingiverse has the power poles pointing towards the center of the rig and if you've got nothing else plugged into the back that's fine but if you add in a PL259 and data connector things get a bit messy on the back of the radio.

A search of the interwebs didn't find a pre-rolled solution so after couple of hours of quality couch-in-front-of-telly time with OpenSCAD and a mirror-image false start later I'd come up with a not completely useless solution.

Practice makes perfect
After waiting the normal hour or so for the print the first attempt was literally backwards which is what is technically called a dork move but 3D printing was made for people like me who fail fast.

Entrepreneurs will tell you that failing fast is a key aspect of their method, something about agile business process but I make mistakes simply because I can. :-)

A quick flip of the model and squeezing things up a bit and the result was exactly what the doctor ordered.

I've posted the stl file and OpenSCAD source code on Thingiverse here if you've landed here looking for a similar solution.

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